Develop creativity your children with us!

Admission rules

Admission rules

Competition rules

What is needed for admission to KazGASA school:

✏️1st grade: interview + testing

✏️2-4 grades: entrance exams in Russian language and mathematics

✏️grades 5-11: entrance exams in Russian language and mathematics + creative exam (drawing)

Entrance exams are held throughout the academic year.
The interview dates are set as the children are ready.

List for registration of a training contract:

Retirement coupon (from the previous place of study);
Copy of birth certificate;
IIN copy;
Report cards for all years of study (original);
Photo 3 * 4 – 4 pcs. (and on electronic media);
Address reference (if necessary/on request);
Copies of the Parents’ Identity Card;
Certificate of employment (one of the parents);
Medical documents (Health passport, individual child card, vaccination card – a list of professional examination of specialists).


5-grade (10-11 years old) – pediatrician
6th grade (12 years old) – pediatrician, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist
7th grade (13 years old) – pediatrician,
Grade 8 (14 years old) – pediatrician, dentist, neuropathologist, ENT, ophthalmologist.
Grade 9 (15 years old) – girls pediatrician, neuropathologist, ENT, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, chest X-ray.
9th grade (15 years old) – young pediatrician, ENT, neuropathologist, surgeon, urologist, ophthalmologist, endocrinologist, chest X-ray.
10th grade (16 years old) – pediatrician (GP-doctor), ophthalmologist, chest X-ray.
11th grade (17 years old) – therapist (GP-doctor), ENT, ophthalmologist, chest X-ray, neuropathologist, surgeon, endocrinologist.

Students under 15 years of age should be vaccinated with the Mantoux test at the place of residence in the clinic, if a refusal to conduct a test, then it is necessary to write a statement – a refusal (addressed to the school doctor Botabaeva N.A); From 15 years of age chest fluorography (the limitation period is allowed up to 1 year).

Cost of education

at the KazGASA School for grades 1-8, 10 (for 9 months of study) is 3,150,000 tenge per year or 350,000 tenge per month;
for graduation 9 and 11 classes – 3,500,000 tenge per year (since graduation classes are paid for 10 months from September to June inclusive).

The amount of a one-time entry fee is 180,000 tenge – the amount is non-refundable.

The cost of training includes:

  • textbooks
  • compulsory state program
  • additional education (circles)
  • three meals a day
  • completion of written homework

The KazGASA school has transportation for children with all the conditions for comfort.

The cost of delivery is 45,000-65,000 tenge per month (within a radius of 20 km).

The KAZGASA School provides applicants and students with the following discounts:

  • 5% off with full annual payment,
  • Discount of 7% per child when paying for two or more children.
  • Scholarships discount from 50 to 100 percent off per semester; discount applications will be accepted starting from June 1st.

Limited Liability Partnership “Школа КАЗГАСА”
BIN 230540010120
Address: Kazakhstan, Almaty city, Bostandyk district,
Toraigyrov street, building 23, postal code 050043

Bank details:
JSC Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan
IIK KZ06601A861016608811 – KZT
IIK KZ27601A861016608821 – RUB
IIK KZ48601A861016608831 – USD

Director: Amangeldykyzy Raushan (acts on the basis of the Charter)


school kazgasa @kazgasa_school

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