Kusainov Aigazy Amirlanovich
Chairman of the Supervisory Board Founder of KAZGASA School
In 2021, Aigazi Amirlanovich decided to transform the Lyceum at KAZGASA, where students studied from grades 5 to 11, into a new format secondary school KAZGASA with more in-depth training and preparation for professions from grades 1-11: architecture, design and construction

Sabirdinova Sabina Adylkhank
Director of the KAZGASA School
She is the head of the KAZGASA School and carries out the tasks of the fundamental values of the School, organizes educational process, forms internal and external culture, develops the creative sphere of activity.

Kim Raushan Dzhumakhmetovna
General Director of KAZGASA School
Provides leadership and coordination of administrative functions on financial and organizational issues of the KAZGAS School.

Koyshanbaev Nurlan Muratovich
Vice-Rector for Strategic Development and Infrastructure of the IEC
Manages the KAZGASA School project in the field of construction design and architecture.

Baimukashev Islam Seyfulmalikuli
Head of legal service
Manages the activities of the legal department, monitors the results of work, the state of labor discipline